The Relationship Center of South Florida is a collaborative space where mental health professionals can practice, partner, and share skill sets and expertise. Our counselors, therapists, and psychiatrists routinely confer with other professionals to coordinate care and to facilitate a holistic approach to treatment.
Clinical Supervision and Peer Consultation
Our Center provides clinical supervision to counselors and therapists with all levels of experience and training.
We also provide monthly peer consultation groups for interdisciplinary groups of counselors, therapists, and psychiatrists.
Connections™ Marriage Retreats and Couples Therapy Intensives
We offer therapists and counselors access to Connections – our award-winning marriage retreat and couples therapy intensives. We partner with marriage counselors and couples therapists and psychiatrists around the country to provide this intensive program. When traditional therapy fails to achieve the desired results, Connections has an astounding success rate and continues to receive praise from professionals and attendees. It is an integrative program that works well in almost any couples therapy approach.
The Connections program is offered at our Center in Boca Raton, FL and is completed within one pre-scheduled weekend. Each Connections participant receives a copy of our Connections Workbook for Couples. A courtesy copy is available to all referring professionals.
The Connections™ program:
- Improves traction and momentum for couples who are “stuck” – moves almost any couples therapy forward in a positive manner
- Provides clarity and clinical direction for couples and their referring therapist
- Facilitates a smooth transition back to the referring therapist for follow-up sessions and ongoing therapy – all couples are strongly encouraged to return to their referring therapist
- Provides full reports and consultation for referring therapists
We welcome all mental health professionals; therapists, doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists to learn more about Connections. Schedule a comprehensive professional consultation about this intensive program and the benefits of referring to Connections.
Contact us today for additional information about professional development partnerships at the Relationship Center of South Florida.