Research shows that mindfulness and mind-body practices have proven healing power.
Mindfulness is a type of present moment awareness — it’s a state of focused, open attention.
When you’re mindful you observe your thoughts and feelings objectively, without judging them as good or bad. Mindfulness is awareness in action, awakening to your here-and-now experience. Mindfulness practice is a very useful tool in understanding and managing emotional and psychological difficulties. Mind-body integrative practice — sometimes known as mind-body-spirit or holistic experience — is also very useful in finding peace and serenity in a stressful life.
Mindfulness and mind-body practices are especially useful for:
- Reducing anxiety and the harmful effects of stress
- Overcoming phobias, OCD, PTSD, and other anxiety disorders · Reducing or eliminating the symptoms of depression
- Improving focus and concentration (including ADD)
- Chronic pain and other physical problems
- Addictions and chemical dependency · Managing relationship distress · Performance enhancement (sports, test taking, etc.)
There are lifelong benefits from regular mindfulness and mind-body practice.
The results from medical research have been significant. What practicing Buddhists have known for centuries has been tested repeatedly in recent years and the findings are strikingly positive. People who meditate or practice other integrative mind-body methods on a regular basis live longer, are far less anxious and depressed and have fewer medical problems. The specialists at the Relationship Center of South Florida are trained and experienced in a variety of mindfulness and mind-body practices, including:
- Meditation, breath work and progressive relaxation exercises
- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (integrating meditative practice with positive changes in self-destructive patterns of thinking and beliefs)
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
- Hypnotherapy (facilitates subconscious and internal awareness to achieve goals and improve wellness)
- Craniosacral Therapy – (evaluates and treats orthopedic and neurological conditions as well as stress-related disorders)
- Acceptance and commitment methods (radical acceptance of self and others; commitment to positive change)
- Mindful relationships (applying mindfulness practices to relationship distress)
Contact the specialists at our Center to learn more about the benefits of mindfulness and mind-body practices.
- Learn how to use mindful meditation and other mind-body practices at home or in the office
- Counseling and therapy sessions using mindfulness practices to reduce and eliminate troubling emotional and psychological symptoms
- Progressive relaxation, breath work and other mind-body methods to manage stress, relationship problems, anxiety and depression